

Richard Tieman is having a blast finding unusual sports stories for KFBB Montana Right Now.

理查德·蒂曼穿着西装,坐在电视广播台前. 他身后的屏幕上写着SWX体育和天气预报.

体育 reporter Richard Tieman isn’t afraid to get tackled at work.

“There’s been a couple of stories that I’ve had a lot of fun with, 在几个孩子的营地里,我让他们对着我拍照. I've just kind of established myself as that guy here with the company. I'm not afraid to sacrifice myself on the altar of dignity for a good laugh or a funny bit. Once a week I even get to count down my top plays as a superhero named T-Man他说。.

The grad is currently bringing both lighthearted and serious sports news to audiences at KFBB Montana Right Now. Richard worked his way up from independent podcasting to professional sports reporting with some help from 满帆的体育节目og体育.

理查德在华盛顿的斯波坎长大. He was earning an associate in 业务 Management to open a sports karaoke bar when he started his own podcast about Spokane’s indoor football team. 理查德采访了球队的球员和教练, 给出游戏回顾, and eventually earned the attention of other teams in the league. He expanded his podcast for the league’s following season and started traveling to other states to cover their teams as well.

Richard realized that he wanted to pursue sports reporting instead of opening a sports bar, but the local radio stations he applied to wanted someone with more education and professional experience. He signed up for 满帆’s online 运动比赛转播 program to help him compete in the sports world.

作为一名在线学生, Richard had to figure out ways to bring 满帆’s real-world experiences to his home in Washington. It was the start of his creative approach to sports storytelling.

“We were in a class where we were trying to learn what it’s like to be a reporter in the field. 一个作业, I went and I drove around for a good half-hour to find a stadium or a field or a ballpark that still had its lights on. And Gonzaga's baseball field still had its lights on, and it had a very stadium-esque feel. 所以我把车停在了停车场, 我的车停好了, 下了, and shot everything on my phone using the headlights from my car,理查德回忆道. His completed project earned rave reviews from his instructor.

After he graduated from the program, Richard bounced around to a few different sports-related jobs. 他担任媒体专家, 传媒总监, and Director of 媒体 and Marketing for indoor football teams in South Dakota and Nebraska. He became a 体育 Reporter for KFBB in Montana earlier this year.

Richard’s role at KFBB is all about discovering inventive ways to tell engaging stories for local sports fans. 他每天都出去拍摄采访和B-roll镜头, 然后回到电台编辑, 生产, 提交他的故事. 视季节而定, Richard might focus on individual features and teams or build stories around game highlights. 他的电台比较小, 本地市场意味着要报道的重大事件较少, but Richard loves going off the beaten path to find something new.

“当夏天来临的时候, 我看着一切从, 好吧, 牛仔竞技在这里很流行, 那么有什么牛仔竞技活动在进行呢? All the way down to, 好吧, is there a fishing tournament going on somewhere within an hour drive? 所以我写了一篇关于钓鱼比赛的报道. 夏天是你发挥创造力的时候, 当别人不给你机会时,展示你能做什么,理查德说.

In less than a year, Richard has 生产d 100 sports stories for KFBB. 他特别自豪的是他创造了一个关于 高中足球教练的最后一场比赛.

“This coach had cemented his legacy with high school football in this area,” says Richard. “And the last game that he ended up coaching was their 75th annual Shrine Game, so he felt very honored that they would ask him to coach such a milestone… It was a story that I put together kind of last minute because I was still getting to know the area. 我必须迅速思考, “好吧, how do I tell this story and express what I think it means to the people around here?“这是我第一次在故事中加入音乐, and I did some shots differently and got creative with a couple of things transition-wise.”

Although Richard has turned everything from fishing tournaments to high school championships into compelling reporting, 他知道自己还有很多东西要学.

“I always look at my stories and ask myself, ‘What could have been better?然后我当然会得到反馈. I don't think I've ever had a perfect story and I kind of hope it stays that way because I like to keep challenging myself. And that's really what you have to do to stay on your toes and be your best in an industry like this.”

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